128: Route53 released DOH functionality

Amazon Route 53 Resolver has integrated DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol to enhance privacy and security in DNS resolutions. This aligns with the principles of zero-trust architecture, encrypting all network traffic and mitigating risks associated with eavesdropping and data manipulation.

The support for DoH enables users to resolve DNS queries in hybrid cloud environments and tailor configurations to meet specific security and compliance requirements. Users can create and configure inbound and outbound endpoints using the Route 53 console, ensuring encrypted DNS resolutions within their hybrid environments.

The update is available across all AWS Regions, including GovCloud Regions and Regions based in China, with no additional costs associated. This aligns with industry best practices and provides a robust solution for secure DNS resolutions while maintaining efficiency.

The 128 series brings you byte-sized news for busy professionals. The full story can be found here: https://dev.cmd.news/article/industry-news/route53-released-doh-functionality/

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