128: How Hotpatching on Windows Server is changing the game for Xbox

Microsoft has unveiled the Hotpatch feature in Windows Server 2022 Datacenter: Azure Edition to enhance efficiency and minimize downtime. This feature, showcased during an Ignite demo, allows monthly security updates to be applied without the need to restart the server operating system two out of three months. It promises higher availability, faster deployment of updates, and improved protection, contributing to reduced vulnerability windows and enhanced productivity. The Xbox network team has leveraged Hotpatch to significantly reduce downtime for SQL Server databases, resulting in a remarkable reduction in update cycles. Hotpatch is also making waves in other domains, providing wider applicability and potential to transform server management. The integration of Hotpatching is a game-changer for businesses seeking to optimize their server operations and bolster service reliability. For more information, refer to Microsoft’s official documentation and blog post. [Source: Microsoft](https://cloudblogs.microsoft.com/windowsserver/2024/01/23/how-hotpatching-on-windows-server-is-changing-the-game-for-xbox/)

The 128 series brings you byte-sized news for busy professionals. The full story can be found here:https://dev.cmd.news/article/industry-news/how-hotpatching-on-windows-server-is-changing-the-game-for-xbox/

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