128: Rhysida Gang Leaks Nearly 600GB of Stolen British Library Data

The British Library fell victim to a cyber attack by the Rhysida ransomware gang, resulting in a significant data loss. The cybercriminals leaked almost 573GB of stolen data on the dark web, comprising over 490,000 unique files. They claim this represents 90% of what they stole, raising concerns about the breach’s impact. The stolen information contains personal details of the library’s readers and visitors, leading to notification of affected individuals. While no financial data was compromised, the library’s website and online services remain inaccessible a month after the attack. The institution is collaborating with cybersecurity experts to reinforce its systems and restore services, emphasizing the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. The British Library is committed to addressing the aftermath of the breach and enhancing its resilience against future cyber threats.

The 128 series brings you byte-sized news for busy professionals. The full story can be found here:https://dev.cmd.news/article/industry-news/rhysida-gang-leaks-nearly-600gb-of-stolen-british-library-data/

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