128: Credit card users get mysterious shopify-charge.com charges

Credit card users worldwide have reported mysterious $1 or $0 charges from Shopify-charge.com, despite not making any purchases. The charges have affected various credit card types and are associated with a questionable phone number and address. Efforts to understand the source of the charges have been complicated, with speculation about a connection to a recent data breach at Shopify’s vendor. Despite this, Shopify has not responded to inquiries. Affected individuals are advised to monitor their credit card statements closely and share their experiences with BleepingComputer. If you have been impacted, consider reaching out to BleepingComputer for further information.

The 128 series brings you byte-sized news for busy professionals. The full story can be found here: http://cmd.news/article/industry-news/credit-card-users-get-mysterious-shopify-charge-com-charges/

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