Almost two thirds of companies consider outsourcing IT due to lack of in-house talent

Approximately 22% of IT decision-makers assert that their organizations are incurring annual costs exceeding £100,000 due to IT skills shortages. Findings from a Symatrix survey involving 200 IT decision-makers in large enterprises reveal a prevailing trend: 77% have witnessed an escalation in IT recruitment costs over the past three years, with 45% reporting increases surpassing 10%. The survey underscores a prolonged skills gap, as 27% of companies now take more than two months to fill open positions, reflecting an increase from two years ago.

For enterprises managing aspects of their IT internally, 36% allocate over £250,000 monthly to in-house IT system management. Notably, 90% acknowledge the potential for cost savings through a managed services approach, with 61% expressing the belief that they could realize savings exceeding £50,000 annually. Charles Courquin, Sales Director at Symatrix, advocates for external solutions to address the skills shortage, emphasizing the financial benefits of adopting managed services. The survey indicates that 38% of those leveraging managed services report savings exceeding £100,000 annually, while 61% of organizations currently handling IT in-house believe they could achieve savings exceeding £50,000 per year by transitioning to a managed services provider.