Credit card users get mysterious charges

Many consumers worldwide have reported seeing mysterious $1 or $0 charges from on their credit card bills, despite not attempting to make any purchases. The charges have appeared on various types of credit cards, including physical and virtual ones, such as Discover, Monzo, Capital One, and other Visa cards. Reports indicate that the charges began approximately ten days ago and have continued to affect an increasing number of individuals.

Individuals have taken to platforms like Reddit and the Shopify forums to share their experiences with these unexplained charges. Some have warned that the charges are being attempted on older deactivated cards, while others have reported receiving similar charges after creating new virtual cards at their banks., a legitimate website operated by Shopify, claims that the charges are related to subscription fees or purchases made at a Shopify store. However, several impacted individuals have asserted that they have never used their credit cards on Shopify’s platform, suggesting that the charges may be connected to a larger issue.

Of particular concern is the association of these charges with a phone number and an address that appear to be questionable. The attempted charges indicate a phone number of 866-938-2427 and an address of 5715 Will Clayton Pkwy, Texas 77338, which seems to be a non-existent location.

Efforts to understand the source of these charges have been complicated. BleepingComputer, when attempting to contact the specified phone number, reached a debt collection firm named Halsted Financial, which denied any involvement in the charges. Furthermore, Shopify’s recent data breach at one of its vendors has sparked speculation about a possible connection to the unusual charges. However, it is important to note that the breached data did not include credit card or payment information.

Efforts to seek clarification from Shopify regarding these charges have not been successful, as the company has not responded to inquiries. Anyone who has received similar charges is encouraged to share their experiences and insights with BleepingComputer.

It is essential for affected individuals to remain vigilant and monitor their credit card statements closely. If you have experienced these unexplained charges and possess additional information to share, please consider reaching out to BleepingComputer who are running with the story via the provided contact details.

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